4 Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dental Treatment

4 Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Not everyone is born with perfect teeth, and that’s perfectly fine. Many of us have imperfections that make us feel self-conscious about our smiles. It could be discoloration, a gap, misaligned teeth, or other issues. Whatever it is, you don’t have to settle for a smile that doesn’t make you happy. 

Cosmetic dental treatment can improve the appearance of your teeth, gums, and general smile. From whitening treatments to advanced procedures like veneers and dental implants, the possibilities are endless with cosmetic dentistry.

At LivWell Dentistry in San Francisco and San Ramon, California, we believe everyone deserves a smile they can be proud to show off. Our expert team, led by Dr. Wenli Loo and Dr. Steve Deng, uses the most cutting-edge dental technology to carry out cosmetic dental treatments that will transform your smile and boost your confidence. 

Here, we outline four of the many reasons for considering cosmetic dental treatment.

It’ll boost your self-confidence

Think of the first thing you notice about a person’s face when you meet them. It’s often their smile, and when it’s gorgeous, you may notice that they smile often. On the other hand, they may avoid smiling or laughing in public if they're unhappy with their teeth.

Cosmetic dental treatments like teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding can dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth, giving you a smile you’ll want to show off. It may seem small, but it can make you feel significantly more confident.

When you’re no longer worried about hiding your teeth, you’ll find that you’re willing to meet new people, speak up in meetings and other social situations, and seize opportunities you might have been too timid to pursue.

It’ll improve your oral health 

Though cosmetic dental treatment certainly makes teeth look good, it also makes them feel good, improving oral health. For starters, cosmetic procedures that fix misalignment make your teeth easier to clean, preventing bacteria and plaque build-up.

Similarly, if you have weak teeth, dental crowns and veneers can protect them from more damage, protecting your natural teeth for as long as possible.

You’ll look younger

Your entire body changes as you age, and your teeth are no exception. It’s natural for them to become discolored or for your gums to recede with age, resulting in a smile that makes you look older than you feel.

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to shave a few years off your smile. A professional whitening treatment can remove years of stains, brightening your teeth by several shades in just one visit. 

Veneers are another excellent option to bring your smile back to life. They can cover up cracks, chips, and worn edges, giving you a younger smile at any age.

Results are long-lasting

Many cosmetic procedures can last for several years with proper care. For instance, veneers, which are thin shells of porcelain bonded to the front of your teeth, can last up to 15 years or more. 

Dental implants, which are a permanent solution for missing teeth, can also last a lifetime if they’re properly maintained. Even less invasive procedures like teeth whitening can have long-lasting results, especially with touch-ups.

Cosmetic dental treatment will improve the way your teeth look, boost your self-confidence, improve your oral health, and help you look younger. These are just some of the many reasons to consider cosmetic dentistry.

If you’ve been considering transforming your smile, schedule an appointment online, or call us at 415-477-3700 today. Whether you’re interested in teeth whitening, veneers, or a complete smile makeover, LivWell Dentistry is the best place to go.

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