Wisdom Teeth Extraction

LivWell Dentistry

Dentists located in San Francisco, CA & San Ramon, CA

Dr. Loo uses the most modern technology to reduce the discomfort patients may associate with this treatment during the extraction of wisdom teeth. LivWell Dentistry aims to help patients in the San Francisco and San Ramon, CA areas maintain their dental health.



Wisdom Teeth Extraction Q&A

 Why Would a Tooth Need to Be Removed? 

There are a number of reasons that extraction may be required to maintain oral health. Sometimes a person’s jaw may not be large enough to accommodate all of their teeth, creating a “crowded mouth”. This could cause damage to the jaw or other teeth, which could lead to problems with tooth decay, periodontal disease, or bone loss. Overcrowding could also push other teeth out of position.  Sometimes wisdom teeth do not erupt correctly and may become impacted, which causes inflammation and discomfort. Also, impacted teeth create areas that are difficult to keep clean and are prone to infection.   

What Can I Expect During the Removal Process?

The patient's mouth will be numbed before the wisdom teeth are removed. The dentist may elect to use local anesthesia, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia during the procedure, depending on the needs of the patient. If the tooth is impacted, the gum and bone tissue surrounding the tooth will be cut away. Once exposed, the dentist will loosen the tooth from the socket and pull it out.  Occasionally a tooth is difficult to remove and the dentist may break it into pieces to facilitate removal. The dentist will pack gauze into the empty socket to stop any bleeding. Some extractions may require a couple of stitches to close the gum edges.

What Kind of Aftercare is Necessary?

The removal of wisdom teeth does not require an overnight stay, even if a general anesthetic is used. The patient is sent home after the removal with instructions and medication to manage any post-procedural pain. Patients are advised to relax at home for at least 24 hours following the procedure. The dentist will provide instructions on how often to apply ice packs and will also prescribe painkillers. It is recommended to only eat soft foods for at least one day after the procedure and to avoid using straws or any vigorous swallowing or rinsing that could dislodge any clotting or healing in the socket. Patients can brush and floss their teeth, but they should be careful to avoid the exposed socket.


As a service to our patients, our practice accepts most dental insurance programs, including non-managed care, indemnity (traditional) and PPO out-of-network. We are not part of any managed care network. Our accounting staff will prepare all the necessary forms for your dental benefits. However, we remind you that your specific policy is an agreement between you and your insurance company. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for your total obligation should your insurance benefits result in less coverage than anticipated. Our staff will gladly submit a pre-treatment estimate to your insurance company so that you will know what your benefits will be. The fees charged for services rendered to those who are insured are the usual and customary fees charged to all our patients for similar services. Your policy may base its allowances on a fixed fee schedule, which may or may not coincide with our usual fees. You should be aware that different insurance companies vary greatly in the types of coverage available. Also, some companies take care of claims promptly while others delay payment for several months.